How often do I need to wear Invisalign aligners?
Are you looking for a solution to your crooked or misaligned teeth? Watch this video by dedicated Las Vegas dentist Dr. Harvey Chin as he explains Invisalign clear aligners and how often you need to wear your aligners to achieve ideal results.
How often does one need to wear the Invisalign aligners? Usually, you’ll wake up in the morning, you’ll brush your teeth, you’ll put them in. You’ll work during the day, and you actually can eat with it. It’ll make your teeth move faster. Before you go to bed, you take them out and clean them.
You can put them back in again when you’re sleeping, so it’s working 22 out of that 24 hours of the day. That’s the benefit. It’s working throughout the day. You want something simple and more cosmetic than old-fashioned metal braces? That may be the trick for you.
If you or someone you love needs Invisalign, schedule a free consultation with Dr. Harvey Chin to learn about how often you need to wear the Invisalign aligners to help fix your crooked teeth for a straighter smile.